Business is like Weightlifting


More than 50% of startups fail miserably within their first 5 years.

That’s why it’s kind of a good idea to start with simpler businesses before moving up to more complex ones.

Just like in lifting, there’s a concept called Progressive Overload — which means starting with relatively light weights before gradually increasing to heavier loads over time.

We could also apply this concept when building our first business.

Start with one that already has a product-market fit – like a traditional business, or a simple software with built-in distribution – like a WordPress plugin.

It won’t grow crazy, and you won’t be the next Zuckerberg; but it will be easier to start, manage, and build.

Which minimizes business risks, while also giving you transferable skills and sweet scar tissue.

And if you’re able to exit (sell the business) or have surplus cash flow from it, you could use that to fund your heavier, more complex startup.

Winning has this snowball effect, it just grows larger the more you have it.

Yno Andrei Calamiong
Yno Andrei Calamiong

Just trying to build Businesses, Technologies, and Good Stories.