Have you ever taught of paying someone else to do your boring job? Your tedious, mind-numbing, first-world, white-collar corporate job?
Well, worry no more because Open AI recently released GPT-4, their most advanced Large Language Model that can now possibly do any boring desk job for us. (Or might just totally replace us) 😬
But a recent paper from Open AI (clearly no conflict of interest there 😆) shows that high-income knowledge-based work is now more susceptible to being automated, relative to blue-collar physical ones. This new AI model could finish tasks significantly faster than a swath of humans, which might lead to departments downsizing in the future.
So should we start prepping for our AI Overlords?
Personally, I think knowledge work under highly-regulated, relationship-centric, and critical-thinking jobs is not at risk. Also, these statistical machines have yet to have the ability to truly reason and create novel ideas. For now, we can think of this situation as what calculators did for mathematicians. A huge boon for productivity so we can focus on harder problems.