A Billion Dollar Idea


I’m searching for a billion-dollar idea.

Just like you, I’ve always dreamt of creating big things.

However, sometimes I worry, that I might just end up creating solutions in search of problems; like an A.I.-enabled mug or a Blockchain Marketplace for toilet paper.

But no one really wants a blockchain or an A.I.

What we really want are the benefits we get from these technologies.

I mean, technologies are not the product, these are just tools to get the “product”.

That’s why I think, a billion-dollar idea is something that takes the complexity out of technical things; something that makes it so simple that even our Lolas can use them.

Just look at your smartphone.

Built from microchips, flung from around the world through a global supply chain, with software developed by the greatest minds of our generation.

So complex, yet so easy to use.

Simplicity will always have demand no matter how fast the technology landscape changes.

Yno Andrei Calamiong
Yno Andrei Calamiong

Just trying to build Businesses, Technologies, and Good Stories.