The Magic of Short Form Videos

Short-form videos are awesome.

With the continued rise of IG reels, Tiktok, and Youtube shorts (all aggressively competing for our attention)

I think we, as creators/entrepreneurs, can really take advantage of their algorithms.

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with short-form videos as my main method for sharing ideas and updates.

One obvious advantage is that these videos get recommended even to non-followers/subscribers, which helps us scale our communication.

Secondly, (which is the more important for me) is that short-form videos are sustainable.

Whenever I do projects, I try to optimize for three things:

  1. Consistency
  2. Enjoyment
  3. Simplicity

It is super easy to be consistent with projects which are inherently fun (enjoyable) and that require few mental/physical preparations (simple).

Once we’ve become consistent, that’s when we reap the benefits, as everything we do is compounding.

Short-form videos allow me to be consistent despite having a lot of work and projects under my plate.

I’ve tried making long-form videos before and it honestly took too much time and effort.

Additionally, short-form content distills information at a much faster rate. No fluff, straight to the point.

Given people’s ever-shortening attention spans, it’s quite important that we give people value/information with fewer words.

As the saying goes, brevity is the soul of wit.

Yno Andrei Calamiong
Yno Andrei Calamiong

Just trying to build Businesses, Technologies, and Good Stories.